Shipping and Logistics Management is very vital part of any Import Export Business Transaction. This course covers all topics relating to Shipping & Logistics. With such courses, you can take job in Logistic division of any company. Pre-requisite of this course is you need to have basic knowledge of at least Import Export Certificate level course.
After moving cargo from Exporter's premises, the role is to be played by Customs House Agent (CHA) or Freight Forwarder / NVOCC. Like export, they facilitate in Import Clearing and Ship (or Air Line) booking too. If you want to be self-employed professional like CHA, Forwarder / NVOCC, this course is for you. Its knowledge will help you in job too.
Practitioner of Import & Export Business can never undermine the potential of DIGITAL MARKETING & its tools like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM) etc in his / her EXIM Business. It is a must course for all (start-ups, old companies, entrepreneurs, job seekers).
It is advance course dealing with various International Business Law related to Export-Import Business. It also deals with study of what are the Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Methods available in Export - Import Business. Study of International Business Laws will provide you sharp vision & gut understanding of Exim Business to avoid any fatal mistakes what all do in their EXIM Business / profession. All contents of this course (that we deal actually) might not have been mentioned for confidentiality, as we are the pioneer and only one to conduct this course in India. IB Clinic Course is must to study with this course.
Exporters / Importers in their EXIM Business Career have contested cases with different agencies like BANK, CHA, Shipping Line, Government Officials (like customs, IT, RBI etc), Insurance Companies etc in different National / International Courts. These cases are rich source of learning for any Export Import practicing companies, professionals, educators or community. We deal with such really contested cases in this course. It is in majority a practical course with law citations.This type of seminar / course is first time introduced by us in India & we are proud to be pioneer.
Are you planning to join Best Export Import Training Institute, International Business Management Learning Classes and Exim Education Academy in any city of India? ICEEL is your final answer to learn any Foreign Trade Management Courses.
Our Import Export Coaching Institute teaches variety of International Business Management Courses, Shipping and Logistics Courses, Customs Clearing and Freight Forwarding Courses of Certificate, Diploma and Masters level since 2005. Our long presence says that ICEEL is the Best Academy for Global Business Study on any Exim Training Programs.
Our scientifically designed syllabus offers practical training making Foreign Trade Education an easy task for you enabling you to be master in your Global Trade Management.
We’ve Job Training oriented flexible modular courses for International Trade Training to suit your needs in learning Import Export like: Certificate, Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma, PGD (Post Graduate Diploma), Masters, Distance Learning, Correspondence, On-line Learning, Open Learning etc.
Get Coaching of International Trade Management with ICEEL & be master of Global Business.