Heart Specialist in Gurgaon - Dr. (Col) Monik Mehta (Heart Specialist) is a well-known and reputed cardiologist. He holds extensive experience in dealing with complications in various cases of cardiology, which includes Angioplasties, Heart defect closures, Paediatric Catheterizations, and interventions. Pacemaker implantation, ICD, and Heart Failure Devices such as cardiac resynchronization devices with a particular interest in Radial Artery access interventions. Best Heart Specialists in Gurgaon.
Important: Heart attacks and Strokes during COVID-19
Should you experience any of the following symptoms, call emergency services immediately. Let them assess your condition.
Heart attack:-
. A burning or tightening pressure in the chest can radiate to the arms and neck
. Unusual shortness of breath
. Discomfort in other areas of your body
(Symptoms can come and go days before the full-blown heart attack)
. Facial Dropping
. Arm Weakness
. Speech Difficulties
Remember:- Even during the pandemic, do not delay. Every minute counts, Hospitals will do their utmost to treat you in a segregated, safe environment.
To Book an appointment with our Cardiologist:
Dr. Monik Mehta (MBBS, MD, DM, FACC)
Interventional Cardiologist, Cardiologist, Cardiac Electrophysiologist
24*7 Helpline No. +91-9873214382